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How Jettons work on TON with sharding in mind (Part 1)

1 July, 2024


Written by 9oelm

Table of Contents

Sharding in TON

TON employs a unique approach to build the "blockchain of blockchains" by 'sharding' its chains. The original concept of sharding comes from database design. It is a way to split a big database into smaller, manageable pieces.

For example: imagine you have a huge book of contacts. It's so big that it's hard to find anything quickly. Sharding is like dividing that book into smaller address books based on last names:

Now, when you need to find someone, you only have to look in one smaller book instead of searching through the entire giant book. This makes finding information faster and easier.

In database terms:

When this concept is applied to blockchain, it enables multiple pieces of data to be processed in parallel. This makes blockchain significantly faster and more scalable.

How sharding affects smart contract design on TON

But there's a gotcha with sharding on TON:

This is quite a huge change for any developers coming from EVM chains, because they don't have to worry about access to other contracts' state or having to deal with an asynchronous operation because there cannot be one on EVM.

Now, we will review this concept with a practical example: Jettons.

Smart contract design of Jettons

Jettons are the token standard on TON, just like ERC20 on Ethereum.

The important contracts to look at are:


jetton-minter.fc is the 'parent' contract, that contains global information about the token, like total supply, name, symbol, and admin address.

The data stored in jetton-minter.fc are the following:

load_data() returns 4 things: int total_supply, slice admin_address, cell content, cell jetton_wallet_code.

get_data() returns the persistent contract storage cell. Remember everything on TON is stored in a cell. Then, begin_parse converts cell into slice. The reason is that all load_* methods only work on slice type, not cell. The data bits and references to other cells from the cell can be obtained by loading them from the slice.

In other words, a slice is a contiguous “sub-cell” of an existing cell, containing some of its bits of data and some of its references. Essentially, a slice is a read-only view for a subcell of a cell. Slices are used for unpacking data previously stored (or serialized) in a cell or a tree of cells.

load_coins() returns total_supply of type VarUInteger16 = Coins. The expected serialization of $x$ consists of a 4-bit unsigned big-endian integer $l$ (denoting the length of the following value $x$), followed by an $8 \times l$-bit unsigned big-endian representation of $x$. The serialization is only 124 bits long (not 128!). The maximum amount of VarUInteger16 is $2^{120} - 1$. Anyway, when it comes to manipulating the amount of Toncoin or Jettons, we always use load_coins() instead of something like load_uint().

load_msg_addr loads MsgAddress. This function is used whenever you need to load a TON address stored in a cell.

load_ref() loads a reference to another cell. In this case, loading cells containing content and jetton_wallet_code.

Now, let's look at how the data is saved, which is just the opposite of load_data():

set_data just takes a cell and sets it as persistent contract data.

begin_cell() is something special; it creates a new builder. Data bits and references to other cells can be stored in a builder, and then the builder can be finalized to a new cell by calling end_cell(). The reason we are using end_cell() is that the only possible parameter of set_data is of type cell, which is stored permanently by the contract.

If you want to know how you can serialize content into a cell, check out the code:

buildTokenMetadataCell is exactly how it is done. But because this is not the main goal of this post, we're not gonna explain this in detail.

Now, let us look at recv_internal of jetton-minter.fc, which is a function that is invoked when an internal message arrives at this contract.

Note that all of these function signatures are correct:

() recv_internal(int balance, int msg_value, cell in_msg_full, slice in_msg_body) {}
() recv_internal(int msg_value, cell in_msg_full, slice in_msg_body) {}
() recv_internal(cell in_msg_full, slice in_msg_body) {}
() recv_internal(slice in_msg_body) {}

But you can just use whichever function signature that best suits your purpose and gas fee management.

The function parameters are as follows (check 4.4.5 of TON Blockchain docs):

If you don't need some of the parameters, you can use the function signature with less parameters.

The first line of the function starts with slice_empty?().

This returns true if there is at least one bit of data or one ref (if you want to check if slice only has data and NOT refs, use slice_data_empty).

Because we don't want to process empty message body, we immediately return.

Next, we process the flags. There isn't a lot of information about the "bounced" flag, but by looking at the code we can assume that the bounced flag is a single bit the end of the 32-bytes long flags. If it is bounced, it will be 1. If not, it will be 0. Like: 0b01010101011111.....1 (or 0).

Next, the sender address is loaded by sender_address, op, query_id are loaded.

Note that sender_address is from in_msg_full, while op and query_id are from in_msg_body, marking the beginning of the message body.

The message body's structure is always 32-bit (big-endian) unsigned integer op, followed by 64-bit (big-endian) unsigned integer query_id. Then the rest of the message body depends on the op.

We've already covered load_data(), so we pass on this one.

Now, we are finally dealing with different ops. Each if statement handles one op.

We need to look at op-codes.fc first:

op-codes.fc is included into jetton-minter.fc upon build, making op::* functions callable in it:

An opcode is nothing but a number. For example, int op::transfer() asm "0xf8a7ea5 PUSHINT"; means transfer has an opcode of 0xf8a7ea5. We will cover how this opcode is derived in the later section.

Do note that it is also possible to define an opcode by using a newer syntax:

const int op::transfer = 0xf8a7ea5;

Let's go back to if (op == op::mint()) and have a look at what's inside the if statement:

if (op == op::mint()) {
    throw_unless(73, equal_slices(sender_address, admin_address));
    slice to_address = in_msg_body~load_msg_addr();
    int amount = in_msg_body~load_coins();
    cell master_msg = in_msg_body~load_ref();
    slice master_msg_cs = master_msg.begin_parse();
    master_msg_cs~skip_bits(32 + 64); ;; op + query_id
    int jetton_amount = master_msg_cs~load_coins();
    mint_tokens(to_address, jetton_wallet_code, amount, master_msg);
    save_data(total_supply + jetton_amount, admin_address, content, jetton_wallet_code);
    return ();

throw_unless(73, equal_slices(sender_address, admin_address)); will throw if sender_address is not equal to admin_address. The reason is pretty obvious; if new tokens can be minted by anyone, that is an immediate vulnerability. The error code is 73.

The labels of the error codes are located at JettonConstants.ts:

From this, we know that the error code `73` means "not admin".

Then, we extract necessary variables from in_msg_body: to_address, amount, master_msg. master_msg is another cell referenced from in_msg_body, so we begin_parse() it. Then, master_msg_cs acts as another message body, so we skip op and query_id. jetton_amount is loaded from master_msg_cs.

One oddity we could find is that amount needs to equal jetton_amount.

Then, mint_tokens is called. This sends a message to to_address to mint a token of amount. We will look at how jetton-wallet.fc behaves when receiving this message later.

Let's look at how mint_tokens is used:

.store_uint(0x18, 6) stores 0x18 = 0b011000 first.

Then there should be sender address, however since it anyway will be rewritten with the same effect any valid address may be stored there. The shortest valid address serialization is that of addr_none and it serializes as a two-bit string 00.

Then, total_supply is updated to total_supply + jetton_amount as expected, and we return an empty tuple from the function.

After the summation, .store_uint(4 + 2 + 1, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1 + 1) is the same as .store_uint(7, 108).

The meaning of 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1 + 1 is the following 1:

First bit stands for empty extra-currencies dictionary.

Then we have two 4-bit long fields. They encode 0 as VarUInteger 16. In fact, since ihr_fee and fwd_fee will be overwritten, we may as well put there zeroes.

Then we put zero to created_lt and created_at fields. Those fields will be overwritten as well; however, in contrast to fees, these fields have a fixed length and are thus encoded as 64- and 32-bit long strings. (we had already serialized the message header and passed to init/body at that moment)

Next zero-bit means that there is no init field.

The last zero-bit means that msg_body will be serialized in-place.

After that, message body (with arbitrary layout) is encoded.

Now, you must be wondering where this particular order of serialization came from. This rule in TON is called TL-B scheme. Let us look into that closely before going any further.

TL-B schemes

TL-B stands for Type Language - Binary. It is a language designed to describe the type system, constructors and functions. Even the message that we send can be described by TL-B because it has a certain structure:

This is MessageRelaxed type that we send as a parameter of send_raw_message. We note that the message has three parts:

  1. info
  2. init
  3. body

We will only deal with MessageRelaxed instead of Message for the purpose of explanation:

message$_ is the constructor. Constructor tag is the postfix after the dollar sign: $_. In this case, _ means there is no prefix of any bits at the beginning of the structure.

Also, note that the type declaration is different from some languages like Typescript, where the name of the type is on LHS, like type MyType = number. In TL-B, that is reverse.

It refers to three different custom types:

  1. info:CommonMsgInfoRelaxed

    Either of the definition can be used. We can know that the message falls into either type when deserializing, by looking at the prefix.

    int_msg_info$0 starts with a 1-bit-long prefix of 0. Similarly, ext_out_msg_info$11 starts with 2-bits-long prefix of 11.

    Each Bool type accounts for a single bit, being either 0 or 1:

    MsgAddress and MsgAddressInt is defined as the following:

    No need to digest everything about the address. For now, we just understand that this can be an address.

    Next is CurrencyCollection:

    We don't care about ExtraCurrencyCollection for now because it's not used. Grams is defined as below:

    VarUInteger is simply var_uint$_ {n:#} len:(#< n) value:(uint (len * 8)) = VarUInteger n;. So VarUInteger n is just another notation for saying "An unsigned integer that is n bytes (not bits) long`.

    From the official paper detailing TON:

    If one wants to represent $x$ nanograms, one selects an integer $l < 16$ such that $x < 2^{8l}$, and serializes first $l$ as an unsigned 4-bit integer, then $x$ itself as an unsigned $8l$-bit integer.

    Notice that four zero bits represent a zero amount of $Grams$. Recall that the original total supply of $Grams$ is fixed at five billion (i.e., $5 · 1018 < 2^{63}$ nanograms), and is expected to grow very slowly. Therefore, all the amounts of $Grams$ encountered in practice will fit in unsigned or even signed 64-bit integers. The validators may use the 64-bit integer representation of Grams in their internal computations; however, the serialization of these values the blockchain is another matter.

    After that, ihr_fee and fwd_fee are also of type Grams, so we know what to do for them too. created_lt and created_at are simply uint64 and uint32 fields.

  2. init:(Maybe (Either StateInit ^StateInit))

    So what are Maybe and Either?

    According to TL-B definition, when a type is Maybe X, it's prefixed with 0 or 1. When it's prefixed with 0, nothing is there for you to deserialize; it's an empty piece of data. When 1, it contains a value of type X. For example, (Maybe int32) can be just 0 or 100000000000000000000000000000011 (in binary) to denote 3 in decimal, where the leftmost bit is a prefix that tells that there is data.

    Either works in a similar way; if prefixed with 0, that means the data will contain X. If 1, the data will contain Y. For example, possible values of type (Either Bool int32) are: 00 (Bool and false), 01 (Bool and true), or something like 100000000000000000000000000000011 (int32 and 3 in decimal).

    Back to the original type, we have (Either StateInit ^StateInit). ^ means the field is a reference to another cell of the same type, instead of being an explicit field in the current cell.

    But before Either, we have (Maybe (Either StateInit ^StateInit)), so this means that we might or might not have StateInit, and if we have it, it is either stored in the current cell, or a reference to another cell.

    StateInit is defined as follows:

    StateInit serves to delivery inital data to contract and used in contract deployment. The first field is split_depth, of type (# 5). # 5 means a 5-bit integer. For more, have a look at StateInit TL-B scheme. But as of now, split_depth, special and library are unused. code is contract's serialized code, and data is contract's initial data.

  3. body:(Either X ^X)

    Notice that the first line of the scheme has message$_ {X:Type}. This is a parametrized type. We use this to mean the type of X can be determined at the time of using the type. When it is used to denote the type of another type, it can be used as (TypeName concreteType), like (MessageRelaxed Any) or (MessageRelaxed uint32):

    If you have been following carefully, you should see that body:(Either X ^X) means a type of X, or a reference to a cell containing type X.

Message in mint_tokens

Now, let's go back to the structure of message in mint_tokens:

First, 0x18 is 0b011000, so we know that this message has int_msg_info$0 as the constructor of CommonMsgInfoRelaxed because it starts with 0, while others start with 10 and 11 (ext_in_msg_info$10 and ext_out_msg_info$11). And most importantly, int_msg_info means 'internal' message, which is a message to be sent in between contracts only.

int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool
  src:MsgAddress dest:MsgAddressInt 
  value:CurrencyCollection ihr_fee:Grams fwd_fee:Grams
  created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfoRelaxed;


  1. the second leftmost bit is 1, which means ihr_disabled is bool_true$1.
  2. The next bit is 1, meaning bounce is bool_true$1.
  3. The next bit is 0, meaning bounced is bool_false$0.
  4. The next two bits are 00, meaning addr_none$00 = MsgAddressExt; is used, because _ _:MsgAddressExt = MsgAddress;.
  5. store_slice(to_wallet_address) means we are storing dest:MsgAddressInt.
  6. store_coins(amount) means we are storing CurrencyCollection. Recall that ExtraCurrencyCollection is not used, so we only care about storing Grams. amount should actually be less than 120 bits long integer, according to the spec.
  7. .store_uint(4 + 2 + 1, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1 + 1) means the following:
    1. First of all, the uint value to be stored is 4 + 2 + 1 = 0b111. Given the length of 108, it would actually look like this: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111
    2. The first 1 bit means empty ExtraCurrencies dictionary; 0 stands for empty dictionary bit.
    3. The next two 4-bit long fields are ihr_fee and fwd_fee. Full of 0.
    4. The 64-bit field is created_lt. Full of 0.
    5. The 32-bit field is created_at. Full of 0.
    6. The next 1 bit is for the init field, because we are done with CommonMsgInfoRelaxed and at init:(Maybe (Either StateInit ^StateInit)). And recall that when Maybe starts with 0, it means there is nothing, and if 1, there is something. In this case, we have our first 1. After that, we also have another 1, which means StateInit is stored in another cell.
    7. The next 1 bit is for body:(Either X ^X). Recall that if the bit is 0, it means we're storing X in the current cell. If 1, in a reference to another cell. This bit is also 1, so we are pointing to another cell too.
  8. .store_ref(state_init) stores a reference to another cell of state_init. This makes sense because the first two bits of 11 tell us that we are storing StateInit in a reference.
  9. .store_ref(master_msg) stores a reference to another cell of master_msg. This makes sense because the last bit of 1 tells us that we are storing ^X, not X.

Lastly, send_raw_message(msg.end_cell(), 1); sends the message off. The second parameter is mode; 1 means paying transfer fees separately from the message value.

Burn notification

Now that we finally covered op::mint(), let's look at if (op == op::burn_notification()) {...}:

First, we obtain jetton_amoutn and from_address the same way we do for the mint.

Next, we have throw_unless:


Let's look back at the error code from JettonConstants.ts:

74 equals unauthorized_burn. So we learn that the code checks if sender_address is an authorized address by comparing sender_address against the expected wallet address of this particular jetton.

The reason that we compare is that we want to make sure from_address, which can be manipulated by the sender, gives the same address when put into calculate_user_jetton_wallet_address.

Next, save_data(total_supply - jetton_amount, admin_address, content, jetton_wallet_code); is to update the total supply because total_supply is decreasing by jetton_amount.

Next, we load response_address by writing slice response_address = in_msg_body~load_msg_addr();.

Recall that a MsgAddress can be addr_none$00 constructor. That's why we are checking if (response_address.preload_uint(2) != 0).

Then, we are building a message again. Let's break it down:

int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool
  src:MsgAddressInt dest:MsgAddressInt 
  value:CurrencyCollection ihr_fee:Grams fwd_fee:Grams
  created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfo;
  1. .store_uint(0x10, 6). 0x10 in 6 bits = 0b010000.

    1. The leftmost bit is 0, so we know that it's int_msg_info$0.
    2. The next bit is 1, it means ihr_disabled is true. At the time of writing, hypercube writing is always disabled.
    3. Next bit is 0. Means the message shouldn't be bounced if there are errors during processing.
    4. Next bit is also 0. Means the message itself is not a result of bouncing.
    5. The next two bits are 00, meaning src is addr_none$00.
  2. .store_slice(response_address) stores dest:MsgAddressInt.

  3. .store_coins(0) means storing nothing for grams:Grams part of CurrencyCollection.

  4. .store_uint(0, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1) stores a zero that is 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1 = 107 bits long.

    1. The first bit denotes storing nothing for other:ExtraCurrencyCollection part of CurrencyCollection (empty dictionary).
    2. The next double four bits denote zero ihr_fee and fwd_fee. These will be overwritten.
    3. The 64 bits are for created_lt, which is overwritten.
    4. The 32 bits are for created_at, which is also overwritten.
    5. The next 1 bit of zero means there is no init field; recall the type init:(Maybe (Either StateInit ^StateInit)), and zero means there's nothing in Maybe`.
    6. The next 1 bit of zero means the body is directly serialized in the current cell, which follows custom layout.
  5. The rest of the layout follows the typical structure of internal message body, which is to store 32-bit uint op and then 64-bit uint query_id:

    .store_uint(op::excesses(), 32)
    .store_uint(query_id, 64);
  6. Then the message is sent with a specific mode and flag: send_raw_message(msg.end_cell(), 2 + 64);. 2 means "Ignore some errors arising while processing this message during the action phase", and 64 means "Carry all the remaining value of the inbound message in addition to the value initially indicated in the new message". For more, have a look at the document on message modes.

And you might be wondering, why is there no code to reduce the balance of the sender_address? This is because the burn is already done from jetton-wallet.fc. That is specifically why this operation is called op::burn_notification(), because the message comes from jetton-wallet.fc after it burns its own balance. We will look at how the wallet works in a second.

Admin operations

The rest of the operations are pretty simple:

if (op == 3) { ;; change admin
      equal_slices(sender_address, admin_address)
    slice new_admin_address = in_msg_body~load_msg_addr();
    return ();

if (op == 4) { ;; change content, delete this for immutable tokens
      equal_slices(sender_address, admin_address)
    return ();

These are just administrative operations that can only be called by admin_address. It will update the persistent storage of the contract accordingly.

Get methods

The last two functions are get methods, to be called outside of blockchain:

The methods are very self-explanatory. get_jetton_data returns the data stored on the persistent storage of the jetton minter (parent) contract. get_wallet_address returns the address of user's jetton wallet based on the user's address.



[TON docs] Message layout
